
Ruben Taylor

你可以养狗而不训练它,但过一段时间你会后悔的。 除了给你一只安全和有礼貌的狗,服从性训练(盛装舞步)有很多好处。 首先,它增加了狗和人之间的联系。 它还帮助你了解你的狗,并帮助你的狗了解你。 它设定了界限,并帮助避免误解,例如你不事实上,它有助于防止诸如挖掘和跳跃等行为问题。 而且它还能在你和你的狗身上建立起信心。

一旦你的狗从服从性课程中毕业(当然是以优异的成绩),有一些高级的训练技术可能会引起你们俩的兴趣。 敏捷性训练对狗(和你)来说是很好的锻炼,而且到处都有比赛。 服从性训练不仅可以培养一只乖巧的狗,而且为你和你的狗提供了分享的机会。

教育家Gustavo Campelo教你如何教育你的狗:


- 用手拿着奖励放在幼犬的鼻子前。

- 说 "坐下",并将奖励向狗的头部移动。

- 当你这样做的时候,狗会自然地后退并坐下。 如果不是,你可以在下次说 "坐 "的时候轻轻地把它的屁股往下压。

- 当他能坐起来的时候,就给予表扬和奖励。 每天练习几次。


- 让狗坐下。

- 在他面前放一个奖励或玩具。

- 说 "滚出去!"并让你的手靠近物体。

- 如果他向玩具走去,用你的手盖住物体,并重复 "滚出去!"

- 再次将你的手拿开,等待几秒钟。

- 给予表扬,每天重复,增加他离开奖励或玩具的时间。


See_also: 巴西最常见的7个狗名

- 吸引狗的注意力,向它展示你手中的奖励。

- 慢慢地抬起头来,边抬边说 "看!"。

- 尽快停止使用奖励,使用 "看!",只需说出命令并将手移到脸上。

- 让狗在你面前坐下,皮带要有足够的松弛度,并在你手中保持奖励。

- 说 "看!"以引起他们的注意、

- 慢慢蹲下,拍打大腿,说 "来!"

- 轻轻拉动项圈,将狗带向你。

- 练习一周左右,然后在有围栏的地方,开始练习不戴项圈。



See_also: 关于德国丹犬品种的所有信息

- 让狗坐到你旁边。

- 将你的手掌放在狗的面前,说 "别动!"。

- 退后一两步。

- 如果他动了,平静地移回你的身边并重复。 当他站着不动时继续移回。

- 当它停留时,即使只有几秒钟,也要给予奖励。


- 感受一下你面前的狗。

- 向他展示奖励,并慢慢将自己放倒在地,同时说 "躺下!"

- 如果他没有当场服从,就慢慢拉他的腿,直到他服从。

- 一旦他成功了,就给予表扬和奖励。


- 感受你的狗。

- 把你的手放在他的肚子下面,推他说 "站起来!"。

- 一开始,你需要把手放在他的肚子下面,阻止他再次坐下来。

有不同类型的训练。 所描述的这些命令是非常基本的,你的训练师应该还有其他的方法。 你当然可以自己开始训练,但建议你的狗至少参加一个基本的服从性课程。 除了遵循指令外,你可以向你的狗提出具体问题,它还可以得到一个社会化的课程。 而服从性训练仍然可以让你和你的狗远离治疗师的办公室。


Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor is a passionate dog enthusiast and experienced dog owner who has dedicated his life to understanding and educating others about the world of dogs. With over a decade of hands-on experience, Ruben has become a trusted source of knowledge and guidance for fellow dog lovers.Having grown up with dogs of various breeds, Ruben developed a deep connection and bond with them from an early age. His fascination with dog behavior, health, and training further intensified as he sought to provide the best possible care for his furry companions.Ruben's expertise extends beyond basic dog care; he has an in-depth understanding of dog diseases, health concerns, and the various complications that can arise. His dedication to research and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field ensures that his readers receive accurate and reliable information.Furthermore, Ruben's love for exploring different dog breeds and their unique characteristics has led him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge about various breeds. His thorough insights into breed-specific traits, exercise requirements, and temperaments make him an invaluable resource for individuals seeking information about specific breeds.Through his blog, Ruben endeavors to help dog owners navigate the challenges of dog ownership and raise their fur babies to be happy and healthy companions. From trainingtechniques to fun activities, he provides practical tips and advice to ensure the perfect upbringing of each dog.Ruben's warm and friendly writing style, combined with his vast knowledge, has earned him a loyal following of dog enthusiasts who eagerly anticipate his next blog post. With his passion for dogs shining through his words, Ruben is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and their owners.