
Ruben Taylor

狗的监护人不时地--或一直--与他们的狗交谈,这并不罕见。 他们的表达能力很强,个性也很强,许多人说他们的狗 "就是需要交谈"。

毫无疑问,狗是很好的倾听者,此外,它们似乎能感觉到我们的悲伤,不是吗? 它们悄悄地来,它们呆在我们身边,不期望任何回报。

好吧,Dogster网站列出了你应该与你的狗交谈的5个理由,我们把它们带到这里给你看。 让我们去看看这个清单吧


有一只叫Chaser的边境牧羊犬,他以懂得千言万语而闻名。 在他之前,我们有一只叫Rico的牧羊犬,一只叫Sofia的杂种狗和一只叫Bailey的约克夏犬。 这些狗中有些还懂得物体的类别,并能描述这些物体的质量,对简单的两个字的句子作出正确反应。 例如,在一堆玩具中,人说:"蓝球",狗正好抓到蓝球。

科学界还不清楚,这些狗--天才是否具有超出普通人的智力,或者它们是否与其他狗一样,但它们受到了正确而深入的训练。 我们知道,有些词我们需要拼写,以避免我们的狗感到绝望,例如,P-A-S-S-E-A-R。 按常规亲狗说的词或短语最终被完全理解为他。


人类发出的声音甚至在我们开始说话之前就已经包含了情感。 我们语言中大约80%的意义来自于我们的肢体语言和语气,而不是文字本身。

布达佩斯的一个研究小组发现,狗的大脑对人类声音的反应与人脑相同。 狗和人都使用大脑的同一区域来处理口语中存在的情感含义。 这种对情感的高度敏感可能是许多狗的监护人在研究中说他们的狗能够从心理上理解他们。


与狗交谈可以帮助人们面对困难的讨论。 人们经常通过告诉他们的狗他们的想法来避免与其他人的争论。 这有助于人类了解自己,不把他们的挫折感发泄在其他人身上。

与狗交谈也有助于提供一个非评判性的伴侣。 狗只倾听,从不评判。 在宣泄日常生活中的问题时,这非常健康。


与狗联系的方式有很多,并不是每个人都很健谈。 通常,与狗交谈的人也会表现出与狗有很强联系的其他迹象,不过男性与狗交谈的次数比女性少,尽管他们对动物有同样的情感依恋。

但也别忘了偶尔说说 "小狗"。

狗狗通过语言、语气和手势努力理解人类的语言,所以我们时不时地说说 "狗话 "是很公平的。 例如:通过突然移动,张开嘴,做出 "我们来玩吧 "的表情,叫你的狗狗来玩。 通过只看东西来引导狗狗的注意力(这就是一个包沟通)。

虽然有关于狗如何理解人类语言的研究,但几乎没有关于狗叫的研究。 也许现在是时候让研究人员开始关注狗的意思了。


See_also: Halina Medina在Estadão谈论狗的肾脏问题

See_also: 如何让你的狗不再破坏家具和物品

Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor is a passionate dog enthusiast and experienced dog owner who has dedicated his life to understanding and educating others about the world of dogs. With over a decade of hands-on experience, Ruben has become a trusted source of knowledge and guidance for fellow dog lovers.Having grown up with dogs of various breeds, Ruben developed a deep connection and bond with them from an early age. His fascination with dog behavior, health, and training further intensified as he sought to provide the best possible care for his furry companions.Ruben's expertise extends beyond basic dog care; he has an in-depth understanding of dog diseases, health concerns, and the various complications that can arise. His dedication to research and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field ensures that his readers receive accurate and reliable information.Furthermore, Ruben's love for exploring different dog breeds and their unique characteristics has led him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge about various breeds. His thorough insights into breed-specific traits, exercise requirements, and temperaments make him an invaluable resource for individuals seeking information about specific breeds.Through his blog, Ruben endeavors to help dog owners navigate the challenges of dog ownership and raise their fur babies to be happy and healthy companions. From trainingtechniques to fun activities, he provides practical tips and advice to ensure the perfect upbringing of each dog.Ruben's warm and friendly writing style, combined with his vast knowledge, has earned him a loyal following of dog enthusiasts who eagerly anticipate his next blog post. With his passion for dogs shining through his words, Ruben is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and their owners.