
Ruben Taylor

在媒体宣传中,我们经常听到人类大量饮水的重要性,然而,我们忘记了动物也同样需要水。 水是一种对健康至关重要的自然资源,因为水的稀缺或摄入量的减少会导致严重的健康问题,在大多数情况下,会导致动物致死。



许多人,主要是狗的监护人对狗每天应该喝多少水有很大的疑问。 这个疑问是非常中肯的,然而,由于无数的因素,水的数量是可以改变的。

动物生活的气候是估计健康所需水量的基础。 温暖地区往往有利于更多的水的摄入,而寒冷的气候则不同。


一般来说,动物在成年阶段的饮水量为每公斤体重50毫升。 如上所述,这一幅度可能有所不同。 表示的是,应每天24小时提供水,以便根据每只动物的需要来饮用。

See_also: 认知功能障碍和老年犬

警告: 下面的表格是由Tudo Sobre Cachorros创建的,如果你在你的网站上复制它,请注明来源,并链接到这篇文章。


幼犬的重量 每天的用水量
5公斤 250毫升
6公斤 300毫升
7公斤 350毫升
8公斤 400毫升
9公斤 450毫升
10公斤 500毫升
11公斤 550毫升
12公斤 600毫升
13公斤 650毫升
14公斤 700毫升
15公斤 750毫升
16公斤 800毫升
17公斤 850毫升
18公斤 900毫升
19公斤 950毫升
20公斤 1升
21公斤 1,05 公升
22公斤 1.10升
23公斤 1.15升
24公斤 1.20升
25公斤 1.25升
26公斤 1.30升
27公斤 1.35升
28公斤 1.40升
29公斤 1.45升
30公斤 1,50 公升
31公斤 1.55升
32公斤 1.60升
33公斤 1.65升
34公斤 1,70 公升
35公斤 1.75升
36公斤 1,80 公升
37公斤 1.85升
38公斤 1.90升
39公斤 1,95 公升
40公斤 2升
41公斤起 计算出每公斤狗50毫升。


当一种确定的疾病在开始时就被发现,治愈的机会是非常大的。 当狗已经几天不吃不喝时,担心带它去看兽医是完全不够的。 任何感知上的改变都应该由你信任的专业人士来调查。


许多狗的监护人向他们的宠物提供任何类型的水,在某些情况下甚至是游泳池水。 就像我们一样,提供给狗的这种宝贵的自然资源必须是经过过滤的或矿物来源的,这样就不会有某些寄生虫,甚至其他类型的疾病传播。 最经济的方法是让你在家里有一个过滤器。





你的狗是否喝水太少? 如果你的狗不想喝水,这可能是更严重疾病的征兆。 立即带你的狗去看兽医。





See_also: 梦见一只狗--这意味着什么?



你千万不要用注射器强迫动物摄取液体,因为这对宠物的健康有很大的影响。 强制给药会导致一种严重的情况,即吸入性肺炎。



Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor is a passionate dog enthusiast and experienced dog owner who has dedicated his life to understanding and educating others about the world of dogs. With over a decade of hands-on experience, Ruben has become a trusted source of knowledge and guidance for fellow dog lovers.Having grown up with dogs of various breeds, Ruben developed a deep connection and bond with them from an early age. His fascination with dog behavior, health, and training further intensified as he sought to provide the best possible care for his furry companions.Ruben's expertise extends beyond basic dog care; he has an in-depth understanding of dog diseases, health concerns, and the various complications that can arise. His dedication to research and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field ensures that his readers receive accurate and reliable information.Furthermore, Ruben's love for exploring different dog breeds and their unique characteristics has led him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge about various breeds. His thorough insights into breed-specific traits, exercise requirements, and temperaments make him an invaluable resource for individuals seeking information about specific breeds.Through his blog, Ruben endeavors to help dog owners navigate the challenges of dog ownership and raise their fur babies to be happy and healthy companions. From trainingtechniques to fun activities, he provides practical tips and advice to ensure the perfect upbringing of each dog.Ruben's warm and friendly writing style, combined with his vast knowledge, has earned him a loyal following of dog enthusiasts who eagerly anticipate his next blog post. With his passion for dogs shining through his words, Ruben is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and their owners.