
Ruben Taylor


最理想的是在印记阶段开始刷牙,这时的幼犬更容易接受新的经验。 成年后养成这种习惯要复杂得多,但并非不可能。

See_also: 狗的低血糖症

第1步 - 选择正确的时间

在幼犬平静和放松的时候给它刷牙。 您的目标是:建立一个常规。 每天刷牙是最理想的,但如果口腔健康,每周刷三次就可以了。 不刷牙,牙菌斑就会积累起来,让狗狗有口臭、牙龈疾病和牙齿脱落的风险。 它还会引起痛苦的感染。 严重的感染可以传播并威胁到生命。

第2步 - 收集你的工具

你应该使用小狗专用的牙刷,刷毛更柔软,而且有特殊的角度。 对于13公斤以下的狗来说,手指刷可能很好用。 对于较大的狗来说,较长的棍子可能更容易够到。 只使用小狗牙膏,它有鸡肉或牛肉等适合狗的口味。 不要使用自己的牙膏,它含有成分这可能会伤害你的狗的胃。


尽量站在一个让你的狗舒服的地方。 不要站在你的狗上面或采取威胁的态度。 相反,试着跪下或坐在它前面或旁边。 评估你的狗的焦虑程度。 如果它看起来很烦躁,就停下来,以后再试。 你可能需要逐渐掌握以下每个步骤。

第4步 - 准备好牙龈

用你的手指沿着狗狗的牙龈和上牙来测试它是否愿意被处理。 这将帮助它习惯有东西顶着它的牙齿。 你可能需要让它习惯这个步骤,在你开始之前进行几次。

第5步 - 测试牙膏

在你的手指尖上涂上一些糊状物。 让小狗舔掉你手指上的糊状物,以适应其质地和味道。 如果几天后它拒绝舔糊状物,可以尝试不同的味道。 希望你能找到它觉得是一种享受。

第6步 - 试用牙刷

一旦狗狗习惯了你打开和触摸它的嘴,就开始使用刷子和糊状物。 抬起它的上唇。 当你用刷子接近它的牙齿时,将刷子的毛定位到牙龈线。 与牙齿呈45度角的定位将有助于刷子的毛按摩牙龈线并清洁牙斑。

第7步 - 做圆周运动

以小圆圈的方式刷牙,分别刷到两侧的顶部和底部边缘。 当你刷过牙龈线时,可能会出现一些轻度出血。 偶尔的轻度出血是可以的,但重度、持续的出血可能表明你刷牙太猛烈了,或者可能是牙龈问题的征兆。 请向你的牙医咨询。兽医。

See_also: 禁用的幼犬蔬菜


每次只刷几颗牙,每天增加次数。 总共花两分钟。 如果狗狗一开始抗拒,试着从外牙和牙齿后面开始,这是牙菌斑容易堆积的地方。 如果你能刷到底牙,很好,但是如果你够不到,不要太用力。 它厚厚的舌头有助于清洁这个区域。

第9步 - 安抚幼犬

在给狗狗刷牙的时候,保持轻松的心情。 在每天刷牙的时候和它说话,准确地告诉它你在做什么。 抚摸它的脸颊或拍打它的头,向它保证它是一只好狗狗。

第十步 - 奖励

当你给狗狗刷完牙后,用你最喜欢的食物或额外的关注来犒劳它。 一定要在大家还在享受快乐的时候停下来。 还要记住,牙齿护理并不是刷牙就结束了。 某些咀嚼物和食物也有助于对抗牙菌斑。 还有,别忘了定期安排专业的牙齿清洁。 问兽医告诉你什么频率最适合你的狗。


请看兽医Débora Lagranha关于刷牙的重要性的采访:

Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor
Ruben Taylor is a passionate dog enthusiast and experienced dog owner who has dedicated his life to understanding and educating others about the world of dogs. With over a decade of hands-on experience, Ruben has become a trusted source of knowledge and guidance for fellow dog lovers.Having grown up with dogs of various breeds, Ruben developed a deep connection and bond with them from an early age. His fascination with dog behavior, health, and training further intensified as he sought to provide the best possible care for his furry companions.Ruben's expertise extends beyond basic dog care; he has an in-depth understanding of dog diseases, health concerns, and the various complications that can arise. His dedication to research and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field ensures that his readers receive accurate and reliable information.Furthermore, Ruben's love for exploring different dog breeds and their unique characteristics has led him to accumulate a wealth of knowledge about various breeds. His thorough insights into breed-specific traits, exercise requirements, and temperaments make him an invaluable resource for individuals seeking information about specific breeds.Through his blog, Ruben endeavors to help dog owners navigate the challenges of dog ownership and raise their fur babies to be happy and healthy companions. From trainingtechniques to fun activities, he provides practical tips and advice to ensure the perfect upbringing of each dog.Ruben's warm and friendly writing style, combined with his vast knowledge, has earned him a loyal following of dog enthusiasts who eagerly anticipate his next blog post. With his passion for dogs shining through his words, Ruben is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and their owners.